career, career management, career self-assessment, quantum transition, Z generation.Abstract
We live in a changing and complex world open for potential personal development. At the same time, the Earth is moving to a new level, from a 3-dimensional to a 5-dimensional level. This process is called the quantum transition. Nowadays career management theories are developing and changing under the influence of the quantum transition paradigm, thus the perception of career and the understanding of career have also changed. A career covers the whole life of a person and is individually driven. So, we can speak of a self-directed personal career, which is connected with finding one’s mission in life, one’s vocation. So, moving into the fourth and fifth dimensions opens up more possibilities for finding your purpose: 1) motivated individual choice; 2) career management based on that choice; 3) transition from survival to mission; 4) access to the information field of the Universe; 5) discovery of new abilities – telekinesis, teleportation, clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. The article considers the notion of the quantum transition, career, career management and the characteristics of the Generation Z from the perspective of various authors. The analysis is carried out by assessing the data acquired on the specific features of the existent career management and the possibilities which provides the current situation for the engineers-to-be. The research aim is to study the specific features of the career management of the prospective engineers in the perspective of the quantum transition. The obtained high-level results testify that engineering students have sufficient employability potential, which largely indicates their competitiveness. The obtained low-level results indicate that the students are not yet ready to lifelong learn and develop professionally throughout his life, is not ready for changes in his chosen career, which indicates a certain inflexibility in thinking and acting. It is precisely these qualities that are very necessary in self-management of a sustainable career. This means that career support services should continue to be offered to promote career self-development and self-management under changing conditions (closely related to quantum transition theory). During the formative (pedagogical) experiment, significant and very significant changes occurred in students' self-assessments according to the following criteria: students' internal and external resources, competitiveness in the chosen profession (p value = 0.005 ... 0.018). This means that during the survey, the self-assessment of internal resources according to these indicators was influenced by the information obtained during the survey from the content of the questionnaire, which allowed for a more adequate self-assessment at the end of the experiment.
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