
  • Sandija Gabdullina Liepaja University Faculty of Pedagogy and Social Work (LV)



essay writing, foreign language learning, formative assessment, writing skills


This scientific research explores the potential of using essays as a formative assessment tool in the context of the competencies approach. The competencies approach emphasises the importance of focusing on learning progress and needs to promote successful learning, thus formative assessment plays a pivotal role in facilitating effective learning. The study highlights the significance of essay writing in promoting critical thinking, problem-solving, and self-directed learning. However, students often perceive essays solely as a means of summative assessment, lacking a comprehensive understanding of the assessment criteria. To address this issue, the research emphasizes the importance of involving students in the learning process by collectively defining outcomes, establishing assessment criteria, and providing constructive feedback. Clear objectives and feedback are crucial in fostering self-regulated learning and lifelong learning. The study highlights the need for student-teacher collaboration to enhance students' attitudes towards learning. Challenges in implementing formative assessment, such as providing quality feedback to each student, are acknowledged. In the context of foreign language learning, essays serve as valuable tools for formative assessment, providing insights into students' learning achievements. Furthermore, the development of criteria for self-assessment and self-regulated learning skills is essential for effective formative assessment.


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How to Cite

Gabdullina, S. (2023). THE POTENTIAL OF THE ESSAY IN FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: LITERATURE REVIEW. Education. Innovation. Diversity., 1(6), 48-53.