
  • Andreas Ahrens Hochschule Wismar University of Applied Sciences Technology Business and Design (DE)
  • Jelena Zascerinska Centre for Education and Innovation Research (LV) http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4664-8593
  • Anastasija Bikova Centre for Education and Innovation Research (LV)
  • Ludmila Aleksejeva Centre for Education and Innovation Research (LV)
  • Mihails Zascerinskis Centre for Education and Innovation Research (LV)
  • Olga Gukovica Centre for Education and Innovation Research (LV)




data, higher education institutions, information, knowledge, model, sustainable communication, sustainability


Higher education institutions are the important chain in provision of the inter-connections between the workforce (school graduates, youth, or adults), representatives from different economic sectors, experts from research and innovation development organisations, and all the interested contributors. The research purpose is to build a new development model of sustainable communication for higher education institutions. This research is qualitative as it aims at constructing a new model. The research integrates the use of theoretical analysis, comparative analysis of existing models, theoretical modelling, model creation, summarising analysis. Very often the researchers think of the process of communication as a one-way process. The present work allowed for the establishment of the inter-connections between the development of the system of the external and internal perspectives, on the one hand, and the implementation of the process of sustainable communication, on the other hand. The novel contribution of this research is that the sender and the receiver of the information in the sustainable communication process act at the same time, their information meets and exchanges, thereby promoting information interaction or quasi-knowledge creation. Future research intends to include the empirical methods of research. Collection of quantitative data is a future research direction, too.

Supporting Agencies
Project "Development of sustainable communications of higher education institutions in social media" (COMSUS), KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education, Project Number KA220-HED-B9271F3F. Duration, 1 September 2022 - 31 August 2024. Coordinator, Fundacja im. Zofii Zamenhof, Poland.


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How to Cite

Ahrens, A., Zascerinska, J., Bikova, A., Aleksejeva, L., Zascerinskis, M., & Gukovica, O. (2023). A NEW DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF SUSTAINABLE COMMUNICATION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Education. Innovation. Diversity., 1(6), 38-47. https://doi.org/10.17770/eid2023.1.7175