Basic school, education, pedagogical communication, visual remainderAbstract
When conversation takes place, especially when the conversation impacts one's whole life, it is crucial that all participants can speak ‘the same language’. Teachers should understand students and their parents, students should understand their parents and teachers, but parents should understand their children and also the teachers in order to reach a common goal, which is to provide the best possible education to the students. Therefore, it is important that when conversation is raised about a student's learning process, all participants maintain focus on the content of the conversation. The aim of this study is to explore how the application of visual remainders can improve communication between teachers, students, and parents. To reach this goal and determine if a visual remainder is a useful tool in pedagogical conversations, the scientific literature and normative documents were analysed, and a survey was conducted at a rural basic education school in Latvia. To analyse the obtained data, the Mann-Whitney correlation coefficients were calculated. This study proves that the participants emphasize different aspects of pedagogical conversations, therefore it is important to find a common solution on how to maintain the focus between all parties involved.
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