daily life context based didactic games, mathematics, student, real-life problem situations, problem-solving skills, mathematical competenceAbstract
The results of the national centralised examination of Latvia show a lack of students` mathematical knowledge, skills and competences, which can have a negative impact not only on the direction of education in future, but on students` career choice as well, which makes an impact on the number of specialists in STEM (Science; Technology; Engineering; Mathematics) field professions. Employers highlight that a lack of mathematics skills is one of the major barriers to long-term investments in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Consequently, the use of appropriate and varied teaching methods, e.g. integrating real-life problem situations through daily life context based didactic games into the mathematics learning process becomes important. Daily life context based didactic games provide more realistic understanding of everyday situations and examples that lead to more effective and meaningful learning of mathematics. The aim of the research is to investigate and clarify the importance of integrating real-life problem situations through daily life context based didactic games in mathematics learning to improve mathematical competence. Theoretical research methods and empirical research methods (student surveys and teacher interviews), data processing and analysis methods (quantitative, graphical data representation, data analysis) are used in the research. The analysis of the student questionnaire highlights that students do not understand the importance of mathematics in everyday life as well as have difficulties explaining the meaning of mathematical competence. While teacher interviews reveal teachers' opinions about the problems of mathematics in everyday life and the possibility of using mathematics to solve everyday problems.
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