Vol. 1 No. 1 (2025): Sustainable Food Industry

It is with great pleasure that I present to you a new product - the first issue of the scientific e-journal "Sustainable Food Industry", which is the only journal in Latvia (and the Baltics) in this field.
The journal "Sustainable Food Industry" is an international, peer-reviewed journal published online by the RTU Rezekne Academy, Latvia. The journal aims to provide sound scientific evidence on the science of food production and extraction to create a more sustainable world for future generations. The journal "Sustainable Food Industry" aims to provide scientists with an international platform to publish research in the field of food science. We believe that the future of food production is closely linked to our ability to adapt and implement sustainable solutions that ensure food security while preserving our planet's resources.
Thank you to the authors for entrusting us with publishing their research in the e-journal "Sustainable Food Industry". Many thanks to the reviewers, because without their input and evaluation this issue would not have been possible. We hope that the research published in the journal will be useful and interesting to readers. Our journal is a platform where scientists, researchers, farmers, producers, entrepreneurs and policymakers can share their research, experience and ideas that will contribute to the sustainability of food production, as well as get acquainted with the experience of other authors.