Editorial Team
Editor-in-chief: Dr. agr. Liena Poiša
Deputy Editor-in-chief: Dr. sc. ing. Artis Teilāns
Asssistant to Editor-in-Chief: Mg. paed. Inese Silicka
Dr.agr. Liena Poiša Assistant professor at the Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Latvia Research interests: Oilcrop: hemp, linseed. Protein and starch content in crop. Growing environmentally friendly products. Beekeeping and beeproducts quality. Crops chemical content. Environmental Pollution. Heavy metals. |
Dr. sc. ing. Artis Teilāns Professor at the Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Latvia Research interests: Industrial automation, Domain specific software development, Sensor data processing. |
Mg. paed. Inese Silicka Director of the first-level professional higher education study program "Food Product Processing" in Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Latvia Research interests: Food production. Food tourism. Food economics |
Editorial board
Dr.agr. Liena Poiša Assistant professor at the Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Latvia Research interests: Oilcrop: hemp, linseed. Protein and starch content in crop. Growing environmentally friendly products. Beekeeping and beeproducts quality. Crops chemical content. Environmental Pollution. Heavy metals. |
Dr. sc. ing. Artis Teilāns Professor at the Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Latvia https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3185-9451 Research interests: Industrial automation, Domain specific software development, Sensor data processing. |
Dr.sc.ing. Andris Martinovs Professor at the Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Latvia ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7954-4032 Research interests: Cold atmospheric pressure (CAP) plazma. Disinfection. Surface coatings. Mechanics of materiāls. Mechatronics |
Dr.sc.ing. Ērika Teirumnieka Associate rofessor at the Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Latvia Research interests: Environmental Pollution. Water Quality. Peatlands. Metals. Environmental Analysis. Water Analysis. Waste water Treatment. Heavy Metals. Water and Wastewater Treatment. Solid. Waste Management. |
Dr. agr. Oleg Kovalenko Professor of the Department of Plant Growing and Landscape Gardening, Mykolaiv National Agrarian University, Mykolaiv, Ukaine Research interests: I am engaged in the cultivation and research with spicy, aromatic, essential oil and energy crops I study the effect of bacterial preparations and microfertilizers on field and rare crops cultures. I am engaged in scientific project support and business planning. Growing environmentally friendly products |
Dr.oec., asoc.prof.Lienīte Litavniece Associate professor at the Rezekne Academy of Technologies, and leading researcher in the Business and Society Processes Research Institute, Latvia Research interests: Food tourism. Food waste. Regional development. Food production and processing. |
Dr. agr. Lidiia Antypova Professor of the Department of Crop and Horticulture, Faculty of Agricultural Technologies, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Ukraine Research interests: Agricultural Plant Science. Agronomy. Plant Breeding. Plant Physiology. Plant Biology. |
Dr.agr., Aleksandrs Adamovičs Professor at the Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Latvia Research interests: Agricultural Plant Science. Agronomy. Animal Science. Plant Breeding. Plant Physiology. Photosynthesis. Plant Biology. Plant Environmental Stress Physiology. |
Dr. Ingrida Kraujutienė Associate professor, Head of the Food and Agri-technologies Department, Faculty of Technology, Kaunas College, Kaunas, Lithuania Research interests: Consumer Economics. Marketing. Business Administration. Food technology, quality and safety |
Dr.sc.ing. Sergejs Kodors Researcher at the Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Latvia Research interests: Smart farming. Precision agriculture. Deep learning. Image processing. Machine learning. Remote sensing. Artificial intelligence |
Dr. biol., Mg.chem. Rasma Tretjakova Associate professor, leading researcher at the Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Latvia. Research interests: Limnology. Hydrobiology. Food quality. Biotechnology. Microbiology |
Dr. agr. Daina Feldmane Leading researcher in the Institute of Horticulture (LatHort), Latvia Research interests: Fruit tree growing systems. Cultivar and rootstock testing. Sweet and sour cherry genetic resources and cold tolerance |
Dr.oec. Jeļena Lonska Associate professor, Head of Science and Project Management Department, leading researcher at the Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Latvia Research interests: Food Waste, Sustainable Development, Circular Economics, Development Economics, Regional Development. |
Dr.sc.ing. Ilze Beitane The Doctor’s degree of Engineering Sciences in sector of Food Sciences, Professor in Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies Research interests: nutrition, healthy diet, vegan diet, nutrition for specialized customer groups with certain illnesses, functional food |
Dr.sc.ing. Martins Sabovics Associate Professor, Lead Researcher in Food Science in Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies Research interests: Food science, chromatography, production of processed cereal products, extrusion, development of new food products |
Dr.sc.ing. Māra Dūma Associate Professor, Lead Researcher in Food Science in Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies Research interests: Biologically active compounds in plants raw materials. Analytical methods for determination of phytonutrients |
PhD Rosita Zvirgzdiņa PhD in Economics, professor, Director of Turiba University and Daugavpils University Joint Doctoral Studies Programme "Management" and Doctoral Studies Programme "Business Management" Research interests: Economic aspects of globalization and intensification of milk production in Latvian dairy farms, Business Environment, Business Model Digitalization, Small Business in Latvia |