About the Journal

The journal “Sustainable Food Industry” is an international peer-reviewed journal published online by the Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Latvia.  Journal aim is to assist the formulation of policies, by offering sound scientific evidence on food production science, that will lead to a more inhabitable and sustainable world for the generations to come. The aim of the journal “Sustainable Food Industry” is to offer scientists an international forum to publish research at the forefront of food science.

The journal “Sustainable Food Industry” is published twice a year in open access electronic form.

The journal “Sustainable Food Industry” Editorial Team:

Editor-in-chief: Dr. agr. Liena Poiša
Deputy Editor-in-chief: Dr. sc. ing. Artis Teilāns
Asssistant to Editor-in-Chief: Mg. paed. Inese Silicka

The journal “Sustainable Food Industry” has an international scientific editorial board where work scientists from Latvia, Ukraine, Lithuania and Bulgaria.

All the papers are anonymously reviewed.

The Journal accepts articles in the English language.

The range of topics that are covered in the journal “Sustainable Food Industry”:

  1. Agriculture – food production: Plant and animal breeding (include insect) for food production and management including value-added products that affect yield, food quality and sustainability. Packaging impact on foods. Reduction and recycling of food waste. Smart farming.
  2. Food qualities and safety: Innovative development, production and processing of human and food and beverages and animal feeds that alters product qualities including texture, shelf life, flavours, colours, or aromas, that affects the qualities of foods, feeds, ingredients and components. Packaging impact on foods. Reduction and recycling of food waste. Application of risk assessment (including analytical methods) and risk management techniques.
  3. Food processing and food technology: Food processing to transform raw ingredients into marketable food products. Development, production and processing of human food and beverages and animal feeds. Packaging properties and impact on foods (packaging protects food from the surrounding, extends food shelf life, and increases the quality of food). New or enhanced production processes that increase production yield or reduce losses between production and consumption. Reduction and recycling of food waste. Automation and sensor solutions in food technology.
  4. Food disstribution and marketing: Implementation and logistics of sustainable food value chains. Food tourism. Food systems and marketing. Food chains and supplies of consumer goods. Reduction and recycling of food waste. Minimizing any negative impact by producing and selling food in the most efficient and cost-effective way. Packaging impact on foods.


We kindly invite researchers to submit their papers for publishing in the international peer-reviewed journal “Sustainable Food Industry”.

All articles should comply with the ‘Guidelines for Authors’. Articles should be submitted in English and they must not be previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Editor-in-chief: Dr. agr. Liena Poiša: sfi@rta.lv

The call for papers is announced at least twice a year in March and October.

Articles should be submitted here:

In order to submit your article, you must login or register as author: Register here

After the registration is complete you can create a new paper submission in the Dashboard section.

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The names and email addresses entered in the journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


* regarding publishing, content, etc.: sfi@rta.lv;

* technical issues: gundega.teilane@rta.lv