In the article here will be discussed the concept of intellectual leadership and the role of academic personell as intelectual leaders. The core issue in this concept analysis is the fact that many researchers choose intellectuals as the subject for their researches, and many choose leadership, but only few tried to meaningfully relate these two terms. Leadership in university is widely analysed by scholars, who tried to substantiate leadership in university with managerial and entrepreneurial theories. Increasingly growing research in the field of leadership and management in educational institutions is often focused on formal roles of University’s chancellors, vice-chancellors, deans and other managers and more on intellectual capital and property development. Yet there is still lack of theoretical and empirical research concerning the intellectual leadership, and academic personell as intellectual leaders’ role in university. Here universities have to re-consider the development of culture, traditions, and the environment, which would be advantageous to individuals who seeks to foster their creativeness and knowledge.References
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