Cooperation Principle as Competitiveness Promoter of Prospective Hospitality Business Managers


  • Sandra Īriste Latvian University of Agriculture (LV)
  • Irēna Katane Latvian University of Agriculture (LV)



competitiveness, cooperation, dialogue, inter-institutional cooperation, interpersonal cooperation


In the article the cooperation principle, highlited by authors as fundamental, has been justified. The aim of the research carried out was to analyze and evaluate different theorethical aspects of cooperation principle in promoting the competitiveness of the hospitality business managers in the environment of higher vocational education and professional activity. The cooperation must take place through a two levels dialogue: inter-institutional level and inter-personal level. Dyads interaction forms and/or stages reveal during students’ practices in 2nd study year in the Hotel Practice, in 3rd study year in the Restaurant Practice and in 4th study year in the Management Practice as different difficulty grades of professional activity and the level of responsibility.


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How to Cite

Īriste, S., & Katane, I. (2015). Cooperation Principle as Competitiveness Promoter of Prospective Hospitality Business Managers. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 93-103.