Gender studies of self-assessment and yourself physical health first year students’


  • Vida Ivaskiene Lithuanian Sports University (LT)
  • Valentina Skyriene Lithuanian Sports University (LT)
  • Jurgita Cepelionene Mykolas Romeris University (LT)
  • Evaldas Skyrius Mykolas Romeris University (LT)



student’s health, self-esteem, young man, young women


The aim of this study is to assess aspects of first year students’ (young man and young women) health and self-esteem. Zaborskis’ (1997) questionnaire was used for the study to assess subjectively students’ perception of their personal health. Self-assessment was analysed using Rosenberg’s (1965) self-esteem scale. The survey using an anonymous questionnaire was implemented in Kaunas during the classes in spring semester 2010. The study involved 249 first-year students (120 young man and 129 young women).First-year students young man assess their physical health is not much better than the students young women. Self-esteem most of the young men and young women the average, and the third - high. Gender differences are established only for three terms of ten self-assessment (p <0,05).


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How to Cite

Ivaskiene, V., Skyriene, V., Cepelionene, J., & Skyrius, E. (2015). Gender studies of self-assessment and yourself physical health first year students’. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2, 571-579.