The Relationship Between Online communication aspects and Personality Traits
computer-mediated-communication, online communication, self-presentation, social network sites, profile images, personality traits, Web 2.0Abstract
This reference The relationship between online communications aspects and Personality Traits theoretical backround contains a review of best-known and the most actual theories about the online communications aspects and personality traits. Aim of the research is theoretical basis and practical research to investigate whether there is a relationship between online communication aspects and personality traits. Terms of Reference: 1st to analyze and summarize the theoretical literature on communication aspects online theories of personality factors. 2nd select a research methodology. Methods of the research: Survey BFI and the research author’s constructed a questionnaire. Respondents of the research: together 82 users of social networks like and During the research the proved that there is a relationship between the individuals five personality factors: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, and some units (variables) of online self-presentetation through profile image.References
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