Intercultural Competence Development in Comenius Project "Me and My Europe: Intercultural Challenges of Modern Pre-Primary Education" Participants at Pre-Primary Education
Comenius project, cooperation, intercultural competencesAbstract
The paper maximizes on the reflections on the Comenius project “Me and My Europe: Intercultural Challenges of Modern Pre-Primary Education” (implementation period 2012-2014) procedures in 9 states (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Island, Turkey). The Lifelong Learning Programme documents, Latvia Ministry of Education and Science documents on preschool education, preschool guidelines by CiCe and findings on competences by the scientist Spona are at the theoretical basis. The content describes the acquisition of the intercultural competences in team workshops and Art Labs. The project served as a tool to promote intercultural competences (knowledge, skills, attitudes and self-experience) of the project participants (teachers, parents and young learners) and was attested by help of discussions, observations and a questionnaire.
About Lifelong Learning programme.
Available at:
Comenius Programme.
Available at:
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About Comenius. Available at:
Comenius Multilateral projects. Available at: comenius_multilateral_projects_en.php
Latvia. Available at:
Latvian phrasebook, 2014. Available at:
Lifelong Learning Programme. Available at: tools/llp_en.htm
Pamatskola ‘Rīdze’, 2012. Available at:
Pre-school education. Available at: pre-school.html
The education system in Latvia. Pre-school education (ISCED level 0). Available at:
Project documents 2012-2014. Me and My Europe: Intercultural Challenges of Modern Pre-Primary Education. Available at:
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