dialogue speech, a pre-school child, problem-solving situationsAbstract
Introduction. Forming the questions, the ability to listen to different opinions, to evaluate the problem and looking for different ways of solving it, to agree upon a commonly accepted opinion – these all are daily necessities for each person. According to the skills of a child's dialogue speech, these issues can be either more successfully or less effectively solved. During the communication process the teacher and parents can demonstrate to a child an interested, supportive position that ensures the implementation of the values of human pedagogy and develops the socio-linguistic growth of the child's personality. The empirical study examines the techniques of pedagogical work in problem-solving situations of everyday life by using productive questions. Development both of dialogue speech and successful negotiation process are closely related to adult skills that a child often imitates, and environmental conditions.Results, conclusions. Solving negotiations about daily situations, the ability to ask and find the best possible solution during the communication process with a child can ensure a successful acquisition of the Latvian language and the child's ability to implement the dialogue speech more successfully.
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