Memory as a Component of Cognitive Ability Module


  • Juris Firsts <span>Rīgas 1. medicīnas koledža</span> (LV)
  • Ineta Robiņa <span>Rīgas 1. medicīnas koledža</span> (LV)
  • Velga Bunne <span>Rīgas 1. medicīnas koledža</span> (LV)



memory, cognitive ability, higher education, process of learning


The work deals with the process specificity that affects the learning environment. The authors characterize the cognitive ability formation specificity analysing memory as its significate component. Memory as a cognitive ability formation component has great importance in the process of learning. Memory extention is a substantial component of the learning process dynamic development assurance that gives rise to innovative solutions in accordance with the changing environmental demands, and it contributes to the mission, vision and goal achievement of the named institution as well.




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How to Cite

Firsts, J., Robiņa, I., & Bunne, V. (2015). Memory as a Component of Cognitive Ability Module. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 121-132.