Health Literate Child: Transforming Teaching in School Health Education


  • Zanda Rubene University of Latvia (LV)
  • Inese Stars (LV)
  • Liva Goba (LV)



child’s agency, child empowerment, health literacy, school health education, transforming teaching


Health literacy and health education are reciprocally connected concepts in modern scientific discourse. Educational institutions, especially schools, are defined as one of the main arenas for the development and promotion of the child’s health literacy. Thus, health literacy, conceptualized as the outcome of school learning, becomes the aim of school health education. As concept of health literacy becomes more complicated its attainment requires more advanced and specific teaching methods, which, in its turn, demands transformations in teacher education and teachers’ professional development as well as to perceive the child as an active participant in the teaching/learning process. Good health literacy leads to the child empowerment.



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How to Cite

Rubene, Z., Stars, I., & Goba, L. (2015). Health Literate Child: Transforming Teaching in School Health Education. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 331-340.