The Promotion of Cross-Curricular Problem Solving Abilities of Pre-Service Science Teachers through Cooperative Learning


  • Palmira Peciuliauskiene Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (LT)
  • Dalius Dapkus Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (LT)



problem-based learning, problem solving abilities, cross-curricular content, cooperative learning


Inquiry-based science teaching (IBST) can be realized with a help of different educational technologies. An educational project carried out at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences used a framework of cross-curricular (biology, chemistry and physics) learning content, learning concepts (learning through cooperation, PBL) and learning method (a nine phase cycle of project activities with self-evaluation at the end of each phase). A case study of application of cross-curricular relationships while teaching pre-service science (biology, chemistry and physics) teachers at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences was carried out. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used, together with observation of activities of 120 respondents (pre-service teachers) in learning through cooperation. The results revealed that PBL based on cross-curricular content provided suitable conditions for reaching higher levels of problem solving abilities.


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How to Cite

Peciuliauskiene, P., & Dapkus, D. (2015). The Promotion of Cross-Curricular Problem Solving Abilities of Pre-Service Science Teachers through Cooperative Learning. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 109-120.