
  • Ilona Klanienė Klaipeda University (LT)
  • Rasa Skališienė Klaipėda University (LT)
  • Skirmantė Lidžiūtė Klaipėda nursery-kindergarten "Žiogelis" (LT)



bullying, peers, preschool group, social exclusion


Bullying in preschool age often manifests itself as an indirect form of bullying – i.e. by social exclusion. Experiences of social exclusion in early childhood can have a negative impact on social development, future relationships and emotional well-being of a child. In order to reveal social exclusion among peers as an expression of bullying in the preschool education group, an approach of qualitative research was used. Analysis of a semi-structured interview and pedagogical observation data revealed the following forms of expression of social exclusion among peers as bullying: exclusion from a game/refusal to play together, showing physical distance or verbal resistance to friendship. It was revealed that the initiators of social exclusion among peers are usually 4-5 years old children with excessive mobility and dominance. The results of the study research made it possible to highlight the following factors of social exclusion: special educational needs and certain personality characteristics (aggressiveness, high self-confidence, closedness, sensitivity).





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How to Cite

Klanienė, I., Skališienė, R., & Lidžiūtė, S. (2024). SOCIAL EXCLUSION AMONG PEERS AS A FORM OF EXPRESSION OF BULLYING IN A PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION GROUP. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 710-723.