
  • Artūrs Gaveika Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)




Schengen acquis, study programs, the quality of vocational education


The novelty of the research is related to the need of Latvia as a member of the European Union and the Schengen area to continuously improve the requirements of vocational education, competence and professional qualification of border guards. The main objective of the research is to summarize the views of border guards on the positive achievements of the existing education system and the shortcomings detected for further improvement of the education system of border guards.

The aim of the research is to summarize the views of border guards on the necessity of the vocational education including practical classes and training courses in the education system and possible solutions for further improvement, as well as the development of profession standards in a new quality and to develop cooperation between EU countries and neighboring countries to obtain knowledge and practical skills. The method of legal analysis was implemented by analyzing the requirements of the normative regulation concerning the professional qualification of border guards, the historical analysis method was used to explore the evolution of the professional education of border guards in the historical aspect, as well as the survey (questionnaire) method performing the survey of border guards of different educational levels has been performed. The research uses legal analysis, historical and survey methods. As a result of the research valuable information has been obtained that will serve to improve border guards profession and education standards. Since October 2017, the Rēzekne Academy of Technology continues to implement the long-term studies initiated by the European Regional Development Fund's Postdoctoral Research Support Project "EU External Border Security, Latvia's Internal Security" No. 1.1.2 / VIAA / 1/16/127. The cooperation partner of the project is the State Border Guard College.


Supporting Agencies


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Cabinet of Ministers. (2006b). Professional standard for the senior officer of the State Border Guard. Retrieved from: https://likumi.lv/ta/id/139269-noteikumi-par-valsts-robezsardzes-vecaka-virsnieka-profesijas-standartu

Cabinet of Ministers. (2010). Regulations Regarding the Border Crossing Point Regime. https://likumi.lv/ta/id/214402-robezskersosanas-vietas-rezima-noteikumi

Cabinet of Ministers. (2017) Regulations on the Classification of Occupations, basic tasks corresponding to the profession and basic qualification requirements. Retrieved from: https://likumi.lv/ta/id/291004-noteikumi-par-profesiju-klasifikatoru-profesijai-atbilstosiem-pamatuzdevumiem-un-kvalifikacijas-pamatprasibam

CIVITAS Institute for the Study of Civil Society. (2015) Schengen Convention. Retrieved from: https://www.civitas.org.uk/content/files/EX.2.Schengen.pdf

European Parliament. (2016). Schengen Borders Code. Retrieved from: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32016R0399

Gaveika, A. (2022). Panel discussion: Topicalities in training law enforcement officers. IX International scientific and practical conference “BORDER SECURITY AND MANAGEMENT”.

Gaveika, A. (2008). Innovacii professional'nogo obrazovanija sotrudnikov MVD Latvii v kontekste Evropejskogo Sojuza i Shengenskoj Konvencii. No: Innowacje w szkoleniu zawodowym funkcjonariuszy Stražy Granicznej 5. – 6.11.2008. rakstu krājums. Polija, Kentšina: Centrum szkolenia Stražy Granicznej, 2008, str.5-15.

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LR Iekšlietu ministrija. (2009). Professional standard for the inspector of the State Border Guard. Retrieved from: https://registri.visc.gov.lv/profizglitiba/dokumenti/standarti/ps0049.pdf

Saeima. (2009). State Border Law. Retrieved from: https://likumi.lv/ta/id/201364-latvijas-republikas-valsts-robezas-likums




How to Cite

Gaveika, A. (2023). TENDENCIES OF BORDER GUARDS EDUCATION SYSTEM QUALITY IN LATVIA. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 300-308. https://doi.org/10.17770/sie2023vol1.7137