
  • Marta Lillā Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte (LV)
  • Laura Millere Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte (LV)
  • Inese Paiča Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, Veselības psiholoģijas un pedagoģijas katedra (LV)




3D emotion composition, emotion regulation, online supervision, web application


The global pandemic has accelerated the development of the digital environment, face-to-face work is transferred online, so it is important to create tools adapted to the digital environment. The emergency of Covid-19 has raised the demand for online supervision. In supervision sessions, it is important to talk about experiencing emotions in a professional environment. Latvia lacks digital methods for working with emotions in supervision. The aim of the study was to adapt the 3DEC method, to create it as a web application for use in remote supervision and to approbate the web application "3D emotion composition in supervision" in individual online supervisions. The original method 3DEC is intended for the evaluation of emotional experience in the practice of art therapists (Lejstrauta, 2021; Vanadziņa, 2021). The theoretical basis of the 3DEC method is integrative and includes the following principles: visual representation of emotions in a visible symbolic form; play and play space (Winnicot, 2007); distancing as one of the cognitive emotion regulation strategies (Powers & LaBar, 2019). 3DEC is also based on the Adaptive Coping with Emotions Model (ACE Model) (Berking & Whitley, 2014). The adapted method “3D composition of emotions in supervision” (3DECS) is intended for work in online supervision with the aim to promote awareness of emotions, their understanding and self–reflection. Using distancing and view of other perspectives, the method helps the client to reflect and become aware of emotional experiences, as well as provides an educational function about the meaning of emotions. The 3DECS method develops emotional awareness and adaptive emotion regulation skills. Main results: 1) the web application has been tested and is designed to work with emotions in supervision; 2) the data of the approbation stage show that the web application is sufficiently simple and intuitive; 3) the web application is secure because no information about the customer and the customer's actions in the tool is stored; 4) there are no restrictions on the use of the web application in relation to the duration of the cooperation between the supervisor and the supervision client.


Supporting Agencies
Tiešsaistes lietotne tapusi pētījumu SAM 8.2.3. projekta “Pārvaldības procesu pilnveide un studiju programmu satura modernizācija Rīgas Stradiņa universitātē” (Nr. vertikāli integrētā projekta (VIP) “Psiholoģiskā palīdzība un pašpalīdzība” ietvaros. Pateicība Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Absolventu asociācijai un Studentu Pētniecības un Inovāciju Grantiem par nozīmīgu finansiālo atbalstu pētījuma veikšanai. Paldies par sadarbību digitālās metodes tehniskajam izstrādātājam, programmētajam Jānim Ļubļinskim. Pateicība iepriekšējai pētnieku komandai – lekt. Mg. sc.sal. Inesei Paičai, Prof. Dr. psych. Kristīnei Mārtinsonei, Mg. sc.sal. Signei Vanadziņai un Mg. sc.sal. Astrai Lejstrautai par oriģinālās metodes “3D emociju kompozīcija” izveidi un iespēju metodi adaptēt pielietojumam supervīzijā. Paldies visiem supervizoriem par atsaucību, kuri iesaistījās pētījumā tapšanā, sniedzot viedokli un ieteikumus.


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How to Cite

Lillā, M., Millere, L., & Paiča, I. (2023). WEB APPLICATION METHOD "3D EMOTION COMPOSITION IN SUPERVISION" APPROBATION. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 2, 438-452. https://doi.org/10.17770/sie2023vol2.7127