Formation of Self-dependence for Teenagers in Boarding School


  • Indra Kolendoviča Rezeknes University of Applied Sciences (LV)



promotion, self-dependence, social-pedagogical activity, socialization


The development of globalization, information technology and knowledge in the society has made social functioning more and more complicated. It causes a lot of new social problems (for example, social exclusion which results in reducing person’s self-dependence, when own personality is not really estimated, the identification of own needs and aims, the awareness of strong and weak points, as well as self-motivation when a teenager with a constructive approach motivates himself/herself and develops self-control thus improving self-dependence). Teenagers are not able to cope with both own life experience and they cannot perceive the aspects of social environment. A social pedagogue in work with teenagers is as an assistant and advisor, as a teacher, paying attention to such categories in teenager’s life as the improvement of self-dependence. The aim of the work is to determine pre conditions for the improvement of teenagers’ self-dependence at X Elementary school. The work includes the results of theoretical research about self-dependence, cognitions about the socialization process.


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How to Cite

Kolendoviča, I. (2015). Formation of Self-dependence for Teenagers in Boarding School. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 3, 234-243.