
  • Miluše Hutyrová Palacky University Olomouc (CZ)



adolescent, behaviour, behavioural disorder, children, institucional education, problematic, risky behaviour


In the Czech Republic, the model of life in schools for institutional education is structured. The main of focus of the article is to map diverse approaches of various professionals to the current process of transformation of Czech system of care of children at risk and to search for a feasible solution of the situation. The children are taken care of, in particular, from the material perspective since these schools’ level corresponds to the level of a middle-income family. The institution’s role ends upon the achievement of child’s adulthood or upon the completion of his/her education, and it is then solely up to the young individual to cope with life outside the institution on his/her own. A young individual leaving an institutional education facility should be able to manage various social skills, in particular, when it comes to activities relating to self-management and housekeeping.


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How to Cite

Hutyrová, M. (2015). INSTITUTIONAL EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS WITH RISKY BEHAVIOUR. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 3, 213-222.