Formation of the Artistic Image in the Music Perception Process


  • Marina Marčenoka



formation of musical image, music perception, musical activity, students


Musical art, which clears vast possibilities for cognition of the man’s internal world, develops feelings of empathy and tolerance, facilitates the creative comprehension of personal, moral and aesthetical values of micro and macro social media. Musical art, while reflecting the reality by means of the artistic image, the system of musical expression means, has its own specificity in development of universal values. This specificity consists in development of personality’s aesthetical and moral needs and in recovery of the spiritual culture; and only music with high spiritual contents is able to achieve it. Aim of the paper is to define the content and succession of formation of students’ artistic image of a musical composition in the process of music perception. Methods of the research are: theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical and musical literature about approaches to the problem of formation of the image in the music perception process. Results of the research: the essence and content of the artistic image of a musical composition and succession of its development in the musical education process were defined.


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How to Cite

Marčenoka, M. (2015). Formation of the Artistic Image in the Music Perception Process. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 467-478.