an integrated educational environment, meaningful life orientations, psychological hardiness, self-realization, self-attitude, students with disabilitiesAbstract
In the space of modern Ukrainian higher education, the tasks of vocational training development and improvement, integration and creating conditions for disabled students’ creative self-realization become really important. In order to create the structure of adapted environment at universities and to promote personal and professional development of all participants at the integrated educational environment, a comprehensive psychological study of the psychological foundations of students' personal self-realization should be done. The research objective: to study psychological characteristics of students’ self-realization studied at integrated groups with investigation of disabled students’ self-attitudes and their correlations with self-actualization, meaningful life orientations and psychological hardiness. Research methods: the test-questionnaire of self-attitudes (S. Pantileev, V. Stolin); Shostrom's Personal Orientation Inventory in adaptation N. Kalin, A.Lazukin; the Test of Meaningful Life Orientation of D.L.Leontev; S.Maddi's Hardiness Scale in adaptation of D.Leontiev, Ye.I. Raskasova; the methods of statistical analysis for empirical data: comparative analysis of average indicators, correlation analysis. The performed empirical study revealed such psychological characteristics of disabled students’ self-attitudes as unrealistic ideas about themselves, their abilities and skills, a tendency to self-blame, low level of self-understanding, which can become obstacles to their effective self-realization. The success of students' self-realization in the integrated educational environment of universities is provided by their internal resources: positive self-attitude, awareness of goals, meanings in life, strength and stability of Self, cooperation with other people, society as a whole.
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