
  • Irēna Žogla University of Latvia, Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)
  • Ilga Prudnikova Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)
  • Olena Mykhailenko University of Ontario, Institute of Technology (CA)



transformations, digital learning, social change, pedagogical model, tertiary education, doc-toral investigation


Creating of digital models which transform learning and its outcomes, as well as the learner’s educational, developmental and educative achievements has become vital to provision of inclusion possibilities in a networked society. Researchers have produced several frameworks of using digital technologies in education, but these are generally do not appropriately incorporate socio-contextual perspectives. To explore this area and create a transformative model of teaching-learning at higher levels of education in Special pedagogy and social work an appropriate pedagogical provisions are needed to transform educational process as a system including: (a) meaningful and transforming objectives, (b) adequate for digital learning and leading to social change  pedagogical principles, (c) reflectivity with the domain of knowledge creation, (d) self-evaluation of learning and social inclusion, (e) transformations of teacher/educator activities towards social inclusion and knowledge share, as well as collaborative learning in organizational settings of emerging knowledge society.

This study, focuses on tertiary education and doctoral investigations, reviews the literature on facilitated by transitions social changes, and introduces a theoretical underpinning of digital learning within a pedagogical model. The dominating method is theoretical analysis that includes reviewing, analysing and synthesising literature on the theme “in an integrated way such that new frameworks and perspectives on the topic are generated” (Torraco, 2005, p. 356; Hamilton & Torraco, 2013). The article introduces the theoretical approach to the project “Implementation of Transformative Digital Learning in Doctoral Program of Pedagogical Science in Latvia” and “Gender aspects of digital readiness and development of human capital in region”.



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How to Cite

Žogla, I., Prudnikova, I., & Mykhailenko, O. (2019). PEDAGOGICAL ASSUMPTIONS OF TRANSFORMATIVE DI-GITAL MODEL FOR SOCIAL CHANGE. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 645-656.