competence, employer, regional competence profile, feedback, ratingAbstract
To date, there are not enough tools by which the high school would target a graduate to work in a particular company. Moreover, various bodies, even public ones, periodically request educational establishments to submit proposals for improving the staff selection and training practices. This is the relevance of our research. This article deals with a tool that allows an employer to reasonably select a university graduate who most fully meets the requirements of a particular company. Such a tool should be a mechanism for integrating the regional competence profile for the graduates. This mechanism can be implemented through the upload of students' academic project (term theses, projects, design graphics and research works, graduate thesis, etc.) in an electronic information system. In addition to the student’s study, the employer is offered access to abstracts, which contain a list of professional competences acquired by the student during the implementation of these studies. In addition, the employer is given the opportunity to write a comment regarding the relevance of the work and their final assessment, as well as suggest their own topic in the abstract. This will allow employers to track the professional growth of students they are interested in. In high school, this mechanism will affect the personal rating of the teacher - the head of the student’s academic work. Thus, the teacher motivated to increase their rating will be forced to make contact with employers through the online information environment to obtain relevant topics offered by them, and to improve the quality of students’ projects. The purpose of this study is to create a mechanism for integrating a regional competence profile of a graduate into a real educational process throughout the student’s entire learning path. The result of the study is a mechanism for the teacher to continuously have in mind the requirements of the regional labor market and design an in-demand competence profile throughout the student’s entire learning path. The study was carried out using the method of analysis, management in the chain "student-teacher-employer" on the basis of feedback, methods of observation and experiment.
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