correction, juvenile delinquents, model of correction support of juvenile delinquents, pedagogical problems, serving a sentence without imprisonmentAbstract
The article presents the results of the empirical research. The aim of the research is to identify and to solve the pedagogical problems of minors sentenced to punishment without deprivation of liberty through the realization of a scientifically grounded and practically tested model of pedagogical support. The methods of the research include pedagogical analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and synthesis of the research results, questioning, individual and group interviews, supervision, generalization of independent characteristics, comprehensive and formative assessment and statistical methods of information processing. The following pedagogical problems were defined during the experimental work: insufficient level of pedagogical training of the penal staff, low level of pedagogical culture of parents, other family members and persons in loco parentis and the lack of an integral system of pedagogical support in general. During the investigation a scientifically proved pedagogical model for correction support of juvenile delinquents who are registered by the penal inspections of the Federal Penal Service of Russia is created. The pedagogical model for correction support of juvenile delinquents is considered as one of the ways of pedagogical problems solution.
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