
  • Natalya Solovova Samara National Research University (RU)
  • Olga Kalmykova Samara State Technical University (RU)
  • Natallia Sukhankina Samara National Research University (RU)



fund of evaluation tools, methods and forms of practice-oriented training of risk management, model of competence formation, personnel risk, structural and functional characteristics


In a post-crisis society, the most valuable economic and social resources of an organization are human capital. Modern strategies of management employed by an organization need special management approaches that would base on analysis of activities’ mechanisms and processes associated with personnel risks. One of the organizational, methodological and pedagogical solutions to this problem is the educational technology for raising competence level of managers in risk management. The research is aimed at methodological, managerial and organizational recommendations for competence formation of MSc in personnel risks management (major "Human Resource Management"). Research methods: expert survey, questionnaires, interview. The main finding of the research study: respondents were interviewed (Bachelors and Masters of Samara National Research University named after academician SP Korolev, of Samara State Technical University, executives, managers, HR managers, employees of industrial enterprises and of organizations providing services) to assess the relevance of competence in management of personnel-related risks for professional activities of an HR manager; learning and teaching support material has been developed to be used in training and education organized at the university and for management consulting of employers and employees of various organizations; samples of tasks for “Evaluation Tools Fund” have been developed, aimed at identifying the level of formation of the components of professional competence in management of personnel-related risks.



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How to Cite

Solovova, N., Kalmykova, O., & Sukhankina, N. (2019). HR MANAGER COMPETENCE FORMATION METHODS REGARDING PERSONNEL RISK MANAGEMENT. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 506-519.