
  • Natalya Prokofyeva Riga Technical University (LV)
  • Oksana Zavjalova Riga Technical University (LV)
  • Viktorija Boltunova Riga Technical University (LV)



feedback, lecturer-student interaction


The learning process at any stage involves direct interaction between the lecturer and students. The article discusses the lecturer-student relationship as one of the factors that influences the teaching process and improvement of learning materials on the example of the study course “Computer Science”. The study aims at using the results of the survey, as well as student tests as a feedback method to improve the quality of the presentation of new material to first-year students considering the basic knowledge of obtained secondary education. The article discusses two methods of feedback: survey and testing. Survey is considered a method with high efficiency of obtaining information, a possibility of organising mass surveys, an ability to accurately process student survey results. Testing is viewed as a method to identify the level of knowledge and skills, as well as the abilities and other qualities of the educator to meet certain standards by analysing the ways, in which a student performs a number of special tasks. Both methods perfectly complement each other and provide an opportunity to more objectively analyse the learning situation. The article presents the results of the study on the example of the study course “Computer Science” for three academic years, describes changes in the structure of the course, as well as changes in the conduction of practical classes within the course, which improved student performance.


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How to Cite

Prokofyeva, N., Zavjalova, O., & Boltunova, V. (2019). FEEDBACK METHOD IN LECTURER-STUDENT INTERACTION. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 442-448.