
  • Kristīne Šneidere Riga Stradiņš university (LV)
  • Sonia Montemurro University of Padua (IT)
  • Sara Mondini University of Padua (IT)
  • Jelena Harlamova Riga Stradiņš University (LV)
  • Zane Ulmane Riga Stradiņš University (LV)
  • Ainars Stepens Riga Stradiņš University (LV)



ageing, cognitive performance, cognitive reserve


In the next 30 years, a significant increase of the population aged over 65 is expected (WHO, 2015). Ageing can often be associated with cognitive decline; however, recent research indicates that symptoms of age-related cognitive impairment are modulated by Cognitive Reserve (CR), which derives from level of education, working activity, and social activity (Tucker & Stern, 2011). The role of CR in neurodegenerative disease has been extensively researched, but little is known about its contribution to normal ageing. Fifty-four healthy Latvian seniors were recruited for the study. We assessed simple and complex reaction times, associative memory, memory retrieval, attention, working memory. Furthermore, we quantified their CR. We analysed the relationship between CR and reaction times with two separate logistic regressions. Then, four linear regression models were built to analyse the relationship between CR and the scores on the cognitive tasks. CR was not related to the cognitive performance of healthy Latvian seniors. Such results indicate that CR resources may be mostly required when high-demanding tasks have to be performed.


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How to Cite

Šneidere, K., Montemurro, S., Mondini, S., Harlamova, J., Ulmane, Z., & Stepens, A. (2018). COGNITIVE RESERVE AND COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE IN HEALTHY LATVIAN SENIORS. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 7, 261-269.