Engineering Education Improvement Opportunities Using Computer Games
graphical competence, engineering education, learning games, engineering graphicsAbstract
This paper deals with differences between thinking styles of the new generation and previous one affected by information technologies in framework of engineering graphics education in Riga Technical University. This article deals with specific aspects of engineering graphics teaching and key principles of the educational computer games. Recommendations are offered for improvement of engineering graphics education and quality of teaching using computer games. Various models of games are offered according to intended learning objectives.References
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2. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1991) Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Harper Perennia
3. Dobelis, M., Veide, G., Leja, E. (2008). Development of spatial imagination abilities in mechanical engineering students. Proceedings of the 13th International Conferenceon Geometry and Graphics, August 4-8, 2008, Dresden,Germany.
4. Jirgensons, M. (2012). Towards usability integration into e-learning Design. Sabiedrība, integrācija,izglītība. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli. I daļa: Skolas pedagoģija, Augstskolu pedagoģija, Mūžizglītība. 2012.gada 25.-26.maijs. Rēzekne, 291.-302. lpp.
5. Kapenieks A., Zuga B., Stale G, Jirgensons.M. (2012). Internet, Television and Mobile Technologies for Innovative E-learning. Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli. I daļa: Skolas pedagoģija, Augstskolu pedagoģija, Mūžizglītība. 2012.gada 25.-26.maijs. Rēzekne, 303.-312. lpp.
6. Kotarska – Bozena, L. (2008). Descriptiven geometry and 2D-CAD in context of modelings of twarein higher semester sat the civiland environmental engineering faculty. Proceedings of the 13th International Conferenceon Geometry and Graphics, August 4-8, 2008, Dresden,Germany.
7. Leopold, C., Gorska, R. A., &Sorby, S. A. (2001). International experiences in developing the spatial visualization abilities of engineering students. Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 5(1), 81-91.
8. Mayer, R.E.(2005).The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
9. Meyers, F. D. (2000). First year engineering graphics curriculain major engineering colleges. Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 64(2), 23-28.
10. Patti, Shank (2007). The Online Learning Idea Book. Pfeifer A Welley Imprint. San Francisko.
11. Prensky, M. (2001).Digital Game-Based Learning. McGraw-Hill.
12. Quinn, N.(2005). Engaging Learning. Designing e-Learning Simulation Games. Pfeifer A WelleyImprint. San Francisko,.
13. Suki, Norazah Mohd,Norbyah Mohd Suki (2011). Using mobile device for learning: from students’ erspective.US-China Education Review A 1 (2011): 33-53. (ERIC).
14. Zuga, B., Slaidins, I., Kapenieks, A. & Strazds, A. (2006). M-learning and Mobile Knowledge Management: Similarities and Differences, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning (ICML), Amman, Jordan
15. Winters, N.(2006).Typological Analysis of Games Development and Game Contexts. Kaleidoscope concepts and methods for exploring the future of learning with digital Technologies. D40.2.1 (Final)
Higher Education Pedagogy
How to Cite
Jurāne, I. (2015). Engineering Education Improvement Opportunities Using Computer Games. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 100-109.