competence, ePortfolio system, collaborative learning environment, critical thinking, reflection, assessmentAbstract
Nowadays educational process is not imaginable without applications of information technologies. Their implementations in different technology enhanced learning programs, platforms and systems are becoming more and more popular in educational institutions all over the world. Appropriate usage of information systems has already gained significant place in curriculums and learning processes. However, due to rather high dropout rate and insufficient learning outcomes educational organisations are still seeking for new systems, tools and methods which would enhance learners’ competence development. This paper describes benefits of a new ePortfolio system created by Riga Technical University’s researchers group, its testing results in Living Lab environment in study year 2012/2013, and comparative analysis with initial version of the system implemented in previous year. Findings show that introduced new ePortfolio system has a great positive impact on learning outcomes and learners’ competence development.References
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6. Gorbunovs, A., Kapenieks, A., &Kudina, I. (2012).Competence Enhancement Scaffolding ePortfolio System.Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Educational Systems and Technology-enhanced Learning "INTEL-EDU 2012”, Riga, 10 October, 2012, pp.65-78, ISBN 978-9984-30-210-2.
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8. Jirgensons, M. (2012). Towards Usability Integration into e-Learning Design.Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Society, Integration, Education”. Volume I: School Pedagogy, Higher Educational Institutions Pedagogy, Lifelong Learning. Rezekne,25-26 May, 2012, pp. 291-302, ISSN: 1691-5887.
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11. Lyons, N. (1998). With Portfolio in Hand: Validating the New Teacher Professionalism. New York: Teachers College Press.
12. Race, P. (2001).A Briefing on Self, Peer and Group Assessment. Assessment Series (9), LTSN Generic Centre. Retrieved on 03.03.2013 from oup_assessment
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14. Whitehead, J. (2009). Generating living theory and understanding in action research studies. Action Research 7(1), pp.85-99.
2. Barrett, H.C. (2009). Balancing the Two Faces of ePortfolios. Retrieved on 10.07.2012 from
3. Business (2013). Competence definition. Retrieved on 02.03.2013 from
4. Gorbunovs, A., Kapenieks, A. (2012). Competences Development Process Recording for Multi-Competence e-Course.Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Society, Integration, Education”.Volume I: School Pedagogy, Higher Educational Institutions Pedagogy, Lifelong Learning, Rezekne,25-26 May, 2012,pp. 261-272
5. Gorbunovs, A., Kapenieks, A., &Kudina, I. (2012). Competence Based Assessment Considerations within ePortfolio System. Proceedings of the 10th ePortfolio and Identity Conference „ePIC 2012”, London, 9-11 July, 2012, pp.132-142, ADPIOS, Poitiers, France, December, 2012, Available also at
6. Gorbunovs, A., Kapenieks, A., &Kudina, I. (2012).Competence Enhancement Scaffolding ePortfolio System.Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Educational Systems and Technology-enhanced Learning "INTEL-EDU 2012”, Riga, 10 October, 2012, pp.65-78, ISBN 978-9984-30-210-2.
7. Gorbunovs, A., Kapenieks, A., &Kudina, I. (2012).Embedded into LMS Engaging Collaborative ePortfolio System.Proceedings of International Conference “Open educational resources" ALTA’12, Kaunas, 27 November, 2012, pp. 9-14, ISSN 2335-2140.
8. Jirgensons, M. (2012). Towards Usability Integration into e-Learning Design.Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Society, Integration, Education”. Volume I: School Pedagogy, Higher Educational Institutions Pedagogy, Lifelong Learning. Rezekne,25-26 May, 2012, pp. 291-302, ISSN: 1691-5887.
9. Jasper, M. (2006). Reflective writing for professional development, in M. Jasper (ed.) Professional Development, Reflection and Decision Making, pp 81-106, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
10. Kapenieks, J. (2011). Collaboration trends during action research in an e-learning environment for developing and acquiring effective personal knowledge. CSEDU 2011 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, SciTePress.
11. Lyons, N. (1998). With Portfolio in Hand: Validating the New Teacher Professionalism. New York: Teachers College Press.
12. Race, P. (2001).A Briefing on Self, Peer and Group Assessment. Assessment Series (9), LTSN Generic Centre. Retrieved on 03.03.2013 from oup_assessment
13. The University of Exeter(2011).Peer and Self Assessment in Student Work.Retrieved on 20.02.2012 from
14. Whitehead, J. (2009). Generating living theory and understanding in action research studies. Action Research 7(1), pp.85-99.
Higher Education Pedagogy
How to Cite
Gorbunovs, A., Kapenieks, A., & Kudina, I. (2015). ADVANCEMENT OF E-PORTFOLIO SYSTEM TO IMPROVE COMPETENCE LEVELS. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 61-72.