“I” conception, humanitarian approach, folk pedagogy, personalityAbstract
I In education philosophy a human personality as a value was started to be supposed at the end of 20th century. The specific of Latvia in a formation of teacher’s professional study course is considered that in the education policy in Latvia and Europe a big attention is paid to a pupil as individuality, to perfection of his/her personality, to facilitation of creative activity and humanization. In Latvia there have been developed the conditions for the purposeful personality development of emerging teachers who are able to render his/her social and cultural experience to pupils, are able to understand pupils’ needs, individual peculiarities, selfdependently choose the study content and appropriate study methods to prognosticate the direction of pupil’s development. The acquired traditions of folk pedagogy are delivered to the next generations thus creating the circumstances for the development of teenager’s personality providing the understanding about himself / herself as a unique personality. In the publication the theoretical and scientific literature about “I” conception of personality has been researched. It includes the research of the authors’ (Mudriks, Safins & Nikovs, Eriksons, Dubrovina) points of views about psychological self-determination of “I” conception of teenager’s personality. A methodological justification of “I” conception is found in the humanitarian approach (Maslovs, Eriksons, Špona, Jurgena, Vigotskis, Frene, Mudriks and others) and the answers concerning the questions “how” have been searched in folk pedagogy – in fairy-tails, folk songs and sayings where the idea how to bring up and what to avoid are expressed.
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