
  • Sandra Rone Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (LV)
  • Māra Vidnere Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (LV)



school leadership strategy, life purpose, a teenager with special needs


Improving the democratic features of the society must learn to discern and develop each person's social potential , helping creatively build your life to complete their abilities , attitudes that benefit themselves and other people. A study of scientific literature and regulatory documents, analysis of adolescents with special needs lives aims, the teacher's role in this process, adolescents with and without disabilities survey “Life Goals Sunlated Behavior Survey” authors: D.K. Ingledew, E. Ferguson, D. Markland, (2010) test results, interviews with psychologists who work daily with teenagers with special needs. The aim of the Study. To explore theoretically and practically and compare teenagers with and without special needs searching issues of the meaning of their lives. The research object is a school leadership strategy with special needs teenagers living in the positive direction of the target. The research study is the concept of teenagers “I” and their aims of lives. Materials and methods. A study of scientific literature and regulatory documents, analysis of adolescents with special needs lives aims, the teacher's role in this process, adolescents with and without disabilities survey “Life Goals Behavior Survey „ authors: Ingledew D.K. , Ferguson E., Markland D. , (2010), modified and adapted test results, interviews with psychologists who work daily with teenagers with special needs.


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How to Cite

Rone, S., & Vidnere, M. (2016). SCHOOL LEADERSHIP STRATEGYS IN FORMING LIFE AIMS FOR TEENAGERS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. Education Reform in Comprehensive School: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems, 36-50.