childdrama, communicative competence, preschoolAbstract
Rapid changes in society force people to face increasingly complex life challenges that require the ability to adapt to changes and function effectively in a social context. The issue of communicative competence, on the level of which the quality of this adaptation and functioning depends to a large extent, is becoming more relevant. The development of communicative competence begins already in preschool. It is necessary to create an appropriate and supportive environment in which the development of verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication, including vocabulary, would be promoted in various ways according to the child's educational needs.
The aim of the paper is to analyze the possibilities of using drama for the development of communicative competence in preschool. The results obtained show the usefulness of drama as a method for the development of communicative competence, as well as differences depending on the gender of a child: boys need more pedagogical support for the development of communicative competence than girls.
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