preschool children sound speech disorders, childrens speech development, sound pronunciation disorders, correction of sound pronunciation, articulation apparatus, elements of theatrical artAbstract
The aim of the paper: to identify theoretically the possibilities of using the elements of theatre art in the work of language correction and to analyze the effectiveness of the developed program for the correction of L and R.
The theoretical part of the paper analyzes the development of a child's speech and language in combination with other factors influencing the child's development. The introduction of the elements of theatrical art in the educational process today is a new approach to tracking the language acquisition process of each learner.
Based on the findings of the theoretical part, the author has developed a material called "Program for the Correction of the Pronunciation of Sounds L and R in Preschool", summarized the teaching material for its implementation, and described and analyzed research in the empirical part of the paper.
The conclusion part summarizes the work carried out and provides recommendations for speech therapists, teachers and parents on how to promote the correct pronunciation of sounds L and R in preschool.
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