literacy development, 1st grade students, insufficient development of the language systemAbstract
Literacy is important for all people and children to be able to function, to know the world around them and to be able to interact with other people, thus creating a path to a successful career. Reading disorders usually appear already in primary school, specific, individual difficulties in learning to read and write. Children with reading disabilities have difficulty learning the alphabet, naming letters, distinguishing sounds and assigning them to a specific letter. When starting the improvement of reading skills, it is necessary to respect the individual interests, needs and abilities of students. The aim of the research is to analyse how the reading skills of 1st grade students with insufficient development of the language system improve, using methodical material (game) created by the author. Research methods: literature analysis, observation, questionnaires, data processing in the SPSS program. Main results: when assessing whether a child is able to answer questions after reading: girls are rated higher (Mean 2.27) than boys (Mean 1.78). Depending on the nationality of the child (p = ,036), assessing whether the child reads by syllables and reads with appropriate intonation for the type of sentence: children whose native language is Latvian are rated higher (Mean 3.67) than those whose native language is Russian (Mean 3.22). The data at the end of the study show that the material developed by the author gives results and there is a dynamic in children's reading ability.
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