
  • Galina Rubahova Riga preschool educational institution (LV)




children with language disorders, didactical games and plays, preschool teacher, speech and language disorders


Speech takes a very important place in the development of a child, and the development of other mental functions depends on it. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the development of the child's speech in time and to prevent disorders.

The aim of the article is to evaluate the effect of the didactic game developed by the author on the development of connected speech in children with language disorders, based on the analysis of theoretical literature.

In the article analyzes theoretical aspects of language development, includes language development preconditions, language development disorders’ causes (reasons) and the activities of preschool educational institution in promoting the development of a child's speech, and didactical plays and games importance children speech development, as well as offered by author made game “Create a sentence”.

Empiric part describes research methodology, analyzes children skills before and after one month using of didactic game “Create a sentence” game, analyzes results of parents’ questionnaire.

In conclusion summarized results of research.


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How to Cite

Rubahova, G. (2023). DIDACTICAL GAMES FOR SPEECH DEVELOPMENT FOR CHILDREN WITH LANGUAGE DISORDERS. Education Reform: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems, 2, 17-39. https://doi.org/10.17770/er2022.2.6962