reading disorders, dyslexiaAbstract
The paper describes research on the situation in the primary education classrooms of Latvian educational institutions regarding the detection and correction of reading disorders and dyslexia in the framework of the Erasmus + K2 project "Dyslexia Assessment Protocol (DAP)" (2019-1-LV01-KA201-060355). The results of research showed that the behaviour of primary school teachers in situations, when reading disorders are identified, varies, but most of the correction work and support in educational institutions is provided by the speech therapist. It is important to carry out the professional development of primary school teachers by providing an understanding of the terms "reading disorders" and "dyslexia", knowledge of further actions in reading disorders and dyslexia cases, support opportunities for pupils and parents, as well as collaboration with a speech therapist. Teachers recognize the need for a common methodological material for native language teachers for work with children with reading disorders or dyslexia in order to ensure that teachers, regardless of professional experience or knowledge, work as homogeneous as possible. It would also serve as a good argument for talking to pupils' parents.
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