
  • Rita Orska Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)



mobbing, cyber-mobbing, pupils, teachers, preventive work, animation methods, mediation


Relationship building is always a complicated process. Pupils develop this skill by trial and error, experiencing conflicts, the escalation of which is rapid and high. By reaching the stage when the other conflict party becomes an enemy, inadequate actions take place. One of such actions is mobbing, while using the latest information technologies it becomes cyber-mobbing. Cyber-mobbing is hidden mobbing. Its aim is to cause the most harm to the victim without being caught and/or punished for such an action. Informative efforts on cyber-mobbing, its harm, detection possibilities, both in schools and in the society in general (mass media) are being made, yet it is only one of the preventive work forms. In order for preventive work on mitigation of cyber-mobbing to become more efficient, more diverse preventive work forms and methods shall be used. Currently, animation and mediation methods are applied in worldwide pedagogical practice. The use of such methods shows significant positive results in mitigation of cyber-mobbing.


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How to Cite

Orska, R. (2019). CYBER-MOBBING IN SCHOOL: MITIGATION OPTIONS. Education Reform: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems, 2, 103-113.