
  • Ruta Meiste Dr., assoc. prof., Utena University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania (LT)
  • Ausra Lankauskiene Mg. paed., lecturer, Utena University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania (LT)
  • Iluta Arbidane Dr.oec., associate professor, leading researcher, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)



problem-based learning, project-based learning, learning barriers, learning approach, students’ perception


The paper deals with conceptual students’ perception of problem-based learning and project-based learning in a higher education institution. Nowadays students have a different lifestyle, various opportunities to study and different learning habits, so traditional learning does not satisfy them. Teachers must look for more modern ways to transfer the information and to explain the topics and issues. And some of these ways are problem-based learning and project-based learning methods. The authors of the paper carried out the research, assessing the students’ point of view on these modern ways of learning. The research methods: literature analysis and comparative method, which allowed to clarify and to compare the differences of problem-based and project-based learning, and the questionnaire to get the students’ opinion about these methods used in a higher education institution.



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