
  • Inese Silicka Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Rezekne (LV)
  • Iveta Dembovska Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Rezekne (LV)



Educational module, guest service, hospitality, interactivity, professional competences


According to the SWOT analysis on the Latvian Tourism Marketing Strategy 2010-2015 carried out by the Tourism Development Agency in 2010, the lack of skilled labour force in tourism and hospitality industry, as well as the low level of professional qualifications are mentioned as one of the potential threats. The aim of the research is to examine and analyse the development of professional competencies of hospitality industry specialists within the framework of completion of the interactive educational module “Organization of Hospitality Services”. The tasks of the research are: to examine the theoretical aspects of formation, application and significance of interactive educational modules; to determine requirements, aim, structure and position of the interactive educational module in the education process. In the paper, the theoretical aspects of formation of interactive educational modules are examined; the content of the interactive educational module “Organization of Hospitality Services”, which is implemented within the framework of the study programme “Hospitality Management”, is offered; requirements, aim, structure and position of interactive educational module in the education process are determined. The opportunities of application of the interactive educational module “Organization of Hospitality Services” are wide enough: it may be applied not only in the training process of hospitality industry specialists, but also in order to raise the qualification level of managers at the intermediate level. A pilot research study concluded that completion of theoretical studies is not sufficient enough in order to acquire professional competencies at the highest level. The authors of the paper suggest acquiring practical skills, which is extremely important. The research methods: the logical and constructive methods, the scientific induction method, synthesis, document analysis, the monographic method, the graphic method.


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