Accrual accounting, cash accounting, financial analysisAbstract
The company’s accounting data are a base for the analysis of its business performance. As provided by the legislation, the company can choose whether the accountancy is maintained in a single-entry or in a double-entry system. Exploiting the financial analysis formulas, an economic performance analysis could be easily enough performed by the enterprises keeping their accounts in accordance with the accrual principle. If the accounting registers are kept in a single-entry system, data provided in the financial reports cannot be used to perform the analysis employing the formulas of the financial analysis. Currently, in Latvia, the single-entry accounting systems are commonly used by the farming enterprises. These businesses often apply for various funding, hence the analysis of diverse indicators is required, though it cannot be performed using the existing financial report data. The paper aims to identify the differences between a single-entry and a double-entry accounting systems, to explore opportunities to modify and to adjust the formulas calculating the financial indicators, so they can be used in a single-entry accounting system. As a result of the research, there has been developed a methodology that allows relating the cash-based accounting indicators with the accrual-based accounting indicators. Consequently, the appropriate information could be obtained for the economic performance analysis by the companies using the single-entry accounting system. Applied research methods: the monographic or descriptive research method as well as the synthesis method, the modelling and the document analysis method.Downloads
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