
  • Angelika Juško-Štekele Dr. philol., Assosiate Professor, Senior Researcher (ESF project „Linguo-Cultural and Socio-Economic Aspects of Territorial Identity in the Development of the Region of Latgale” (Nr. 2009/0227/1DP/ 09/ APIA/VIAA/071), Rezekne Academy of Technologies). (LV)





The article aims to characterize the market as cultural phenomenon in Latgale, particular type of social communication with sustainable, traditionally consolidated functions and branched semantics. For characteristics of the market basically the phenomenological approach is used by updating specifics of the market as a phenomenon of cognition in Latgale. For this purpose a wide range of diverse sources is used, providing reflection of both individual and collective cognition – folklore, periodicals, fiction, cultural and historical essays. Apart from that also the semantically cognitive approach is used, with an emphasis on nominative density, etymology and contextual semantics of lexemes belonging to the semantic field of market. Market phenomenon in this article is reviewed as three thematic blocks – attitude towards market, selling and traders, market mega-system and, finally, functional load of the market.

Attitude towards the market, traders and trading as a type of economic activity has not been uniform in Latgale. With livestock breeding and farming becoming stronger, trade invariably serves as a tool for exchange of the surplus of goods produced in natural economy for the missing goods. Negative attitude towards trade and trader’s profession develops, when Jews are starting to trade in Latgale, by performance of intermediary and dealer functions. From the beginning of 19th century under influence of periodicals, the trade as a type of economic activity is rehabilitated among Latgalians, which is confirmed by folkloric materials and statistical data.

Market in the terms of place for selling in Latgale is becoming topical as regards its location, calendar, the market square layout, traders, ritual elements of marketing and a general atmosphere inherent to the market. Traditionally a market developed in more densely populated and well accessible places. In their establishing local estate managers were playing their roles, however as far as 40-ties of the 20th century location, attendance and calendar of the market in Latgale, was mainly determined by a tradition to arrange a market together with the church festivities. Like in former times, also today, coexistence of the church and the market promotes thinking about the balance of spiritual and material values, which is analyzed mainly by periodicals.

The market has always been distinguished with surprising regularity. In Latgale usually there were annual, monthly, and weekly markets. The names were formed according to the church holiday, dominant goods, market participants. Phenomenal nature of the market is acknowledged by their spontaneous organisation, even disregarding the government regulations. In this respect already during 30-ies of the 20th century Viļāni and Kārsava were distinguishable also these days maintaining the tradition of widely attended monthly market.

Marketplace as the most important part of the market mega-system has been established in the cognition not only as a marketing, but also as a venue of different cultural and social processes. Substantial factors for understanding of the marketing is improvement of the market area, the offer of goods, diversity of traders. Designations and arrangement of market place presents both a bright national colour and impact of foreign cultures (notably Polish, Russian). Varied supply of goods and bargaining possibility to the present day is specifying the market when compared with other trading venues. All these elements constitute market as the place of convergence of various historical, political and socio-economic developments to signal of all the topical events both in the social life and in the life or particular individuals.

In the public mind the market has been established also as an essential factor strengthening and even forming the family ties, since up to the middle of the 20th century, the market was the place and reason for meeting of closer and more distant relatives. The market was the place brides were selected, wedding jewellery was purchased. Market lexicon (for example, bride’s purchase, ‘bariši’) has entered also the wedding rituals.

Since the market is increasingly connected to a large number of people, it has been and still is used also for socio-political purposes: marketplaces have been areas of demonstrations, moots. Political parties address their electorates in the market both at the beginning of the 20th century and today. During the Second World War years, the marketplace was also used as a public place for punishment.

Perception of the market as a phenomenon has not decreased, it has become a singular identity factor and represents traditions and culture of Latgale both in other areas of Latvia and abroad.



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How to Cite

Juško-Štekele, A. (2012). MARKET PHENOMENON IN THE CULTURE OF LATGALE. Via Latgalica, 4, 14-24.