active leisure, classification, digital twin, entertainment tourism, horse riding, managementAbstract
Purpose and aim of the study: Based on the need to classify leisure and entertainment tourism services, the research aims to give an example of the practical application of the digital twin in leisure and entertainment tourism – horse riding.
Design / Methodology / Approach: The research employed the monographic and descriptive methods to analyse the definitions of active leisure and entertainment tourism as well as a semi-structured interview with Latgale region farms providing equestrian activities to tourists to identify the compliance of tourism services supplied by each farm with the criteria set by the classification by applying the NewStarT digital twin prototype.
Main Findings: Based on the results of the interview, it was found that out of the 10 farms interviewed, 3 farms scored 100% and that these farms met all seven of the criteria for successful management of the service.
Originality: The research gives insight into the practical application of the digital assistant to assess the compliance of tourism services supplied by a farm with the criteria set by the classification.
Implications: The research results could be used for the implementation of the digital tool to assess the compliance of a leisure tourism service – horse riding –, as well as to develop recommendations for farms whose tourism services supplied are not 100% compliant.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kristiana Jurkane, Lienite Litavniece, Anda Zvaigzne

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