physical fitness, State Border Guard College, training planAbstract
Purpose and aim of the study: is to develop and improve effective physical training methodologies for cadets of the National Security Service, which would meet the requirements of the service and improve their endurance, strength, speed and dexterity.
The goal is to identify specific training techniques and programmes that would increase the physical and psychological preparedness of cadets for their service in the SBG, thereby promoting the professional competence of cadets and the quality of their service.
Design / Methodology / Approach: a review of the literature; empirical methods; the experimental method; a method of observation and analysis.
Main Findings: One of the main conclusions is that the physical training of State Border Guard employees is essential for the efficiency of professional activities and their health. Law enforcement officers require high levels of physical and psychological skills such as endurance, strength and speed to effectively perform their duties such as apprehension, pursuit and border enforcement. High-intensity training programmes help to improve these skills and allow them to withstand the intense physical and emotional stress required in stressful situations. A scientific approach to developing methodologies and researching different interval training protocols can ensure optimal training efficiency and cardio-metabolic health.
Originality: unlike general physical training programmes, this study specifically adapts and optimizes training methodologies specifically for SBG cadets, taking into account the specifics of the service. Using modern sports science research and best practices, methodologies are developed that contribute to more effective and faster improvement in physical fitness. The research focuses on how customized programmes affect cadet motivation and achievement compared with standardized programmes
Implications: Knowledge Transfer: The findings of this study can be shared with other security and law enforcement agencies to improve their training programmes.
Long-Term Health Benefits: The emphasis on physical fitness and cardio-metabolic health can have long-term health benefits for SBG cadets, reducing their risk of developing chronic diseases and promoting overall well-being. Continuous Improvement: The study highlights the importance of ongoing research and analysis to continuously improve training methodologies and adapt them to the evolving needs of the SBG.
By investing in the physical development of its cadets, the National Security Service can cultivate a highly capable and resilient security force that is better prepared to protect national security and serve the public effectively.
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