accused, criminal law, criminal proceedings, testimony of the accusedAbstract
On July 6, 2020, the law “Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law” entered into force, which significantly changed the attitude of the legislator towards the right of the accused to testify. The aim of the study is to examine the testimony of the accused and their examination, paying special attention to the examination of the testimony of the accused in court. The object of the research is the testimony of the accused person and their examination in the criminal proceedings. Tasks of the research: 1) to find out the status of the testimony of the accused from the point of view of proof; 2) to analyze the regulation of the testimony of the accused and the legal consequences after the amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law of 6 July 2020; 3) to summarize the practice of the Supreme Court in 2020-2022; 4) to develop conclusions and proposals for solving the identified problems. Hypothesis of the research: the problem of the accused's testimony became relevant after the contradictory amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law, which entered into force on July 6, 2020, the uniform application of which is not ensured in practice.Downloads
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