customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, service sector, telecommunicationsAbstract
The most significant changes in the international economy for the recent decades have been related to the growing role of the sector of services. As the proportion of services increases, customer satisfaction has become more important, so that customers return, do not go to the competitors and become a loyal customer. To understand their behaviour, it is necessary to know the things that affect their satisfaction – their needs, reasonable prices, pleasant service or anything else that can improve the company’s image. During the global pandemic, people stay at home, so the demand for telecommunication services has rapidly grown. Its quality and customer service are a lot more needed. In this study case, these aspects are considered through Tele2’s tariff plan “Bezlimits” (“Unlimited”) and the opinion of its users. A questionnaire has been made to collect the data, analyse, interpret and to make conclusions that can be binding to all companies in the telecommunications industry.Downloads
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