
  • Lāsma Priževoite Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)




small and medium enterprises, local food products, export, demand


Important role in the Latvian business environment are performance indicators of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the promotion of local food products. Given the rapidly growing global demand for food, small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in local food growing and production must be able to enter international markets. Within the framework of the research, the export of local food products of Latvian small and medium-sized enterprises was studied. During the development of the study, the category of small and medium-sized enterprises was defined by looking at their characteristics. Definitions of local products as well as local foods were examined, concluding that researchers differed on these definitions. The research analyzes the food industry and the most important trends in the structure of Latvian exports of goods. The author of the research also looks at food demand forecasts and the most important trends in the future. The aim of the research is to evaluate the export of local food products of Latvian small and medium-sized enterprises.



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Economics and Management