
  • Aleksandrs Baikovs Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)



communication, integration approach in the legal sense, law, legal communication, legal interaction, the text of the legislation


Today the communicative phenomenological law theory is one of the most popular post-non-classical norms of law. Its initial premise is a position: communication is a condition for the existence of law and a form, not just a public one. Texts, actions for their construction and interpretation, the associated thinking, understanding, and interaction of legal subjects form the content of the communication. Considerable interest in the issues of the communicative interaction of legal subjects leads to the assumption that the types of integration understanding are intensively sought in the interpretation of legal phenomena. As noted by one of the most prominent representatives of this theory of law, A.V. Polyakov, legal communication is a legal interaction of legal subjects that arises on the basis of legal interpretation, provides them with correlative powers and legal obligations that are implemented in legal behaviour. At the same time, legal communication is not only a phenomenon of law but also communication as an interactive dialogue of legal subjects, which is implemented using language, as well as other non-verbal means of communication. The theory of legal communication is created on the basis of the need to study the problems of the influence and effectiveness of legislative texts, their impact, which means that legal communication should provide not only the connection of the legislator with the subject of law but also feedback – the connection of the subject of law with the legislator.



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Law Science